GENESIS is looking for a research analyst to join its RAY research team, a position which produces reports for policy and practice that explore the implementation and impact of the European youth programmes. Key topics include citizenship and participation, solidarity and volunteering, empowerment and equality, education and inclusion, youth work and youth policy. For this position, we are particularly interested in candidates who can contribute to the development of quantitative research instruments, deduct meaning from large quantitative datasets and combine these with complementary qualitative research.
The Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS) specialises in critically reflexive and action-oriented research and theory-building in intergenerational, lifewide and lifelong learning. The not-for-profit institute, founded in 2008, engages in conceptual development and analysis as well as empirical research and evaluation, focusing on non-formal and informal youth and adult education, learning and volunteering. The institute’s educational and research activities address the key role of lifelong and lifewide education and learning as a continuous, dynamic process in the context of pluralistic civil societies and emerging knowledge societies.
GENESIS is a research partner in the RAY Research Network (Research-based Analysis of Erasmus+ Youth in Action). The RAY Network is an open, growing and self-governed European research network of National Agencies of the European youth programmes and their research partners in 33 countries. GENESIS is responsible for the transnational components of the RAY cross-sectional surveys as well as its thematic studies. Find out more about RAY at
Within the context of RAY, we are conducting large-scale cross-sectional studies that survey project participants and project leaders of the European youth programmes about their experience and learning as well as the impact of the projects they were involved in. These quantitative studies are complemented with thematic mixed-method research projects, which for example explore the impact of strategic partnerships on the youth sector in Europe or investigate approaches to organisational learning – among others. Your task will be to contribute to the realisation of these projects, which includes survey design, questionnaire development, data analysis, writing for research reports, and research communication.
Read the full call at– we look forward to your application!
Policy & AdvocacyYouth Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS) Seeks Data queen (d/f/m): Making sense of cross-sectional survey data Are you interested in Policy & Advocacy? Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS) is hiring a Data Queen (d/f/m)!! Apply now. English Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS)