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Programme Coordinator – Western Balkans & Turkey


Transparency International (TI) is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. In collaboration with more than 100 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, Germany, TI raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it.

To advance anti-corruption work in different fields, TI is implementing multi-country projects in different regions of the world. The project ‘Ending Impunity for Grand Corruption in the Western Balkans and Turkey’, funded by DG NEAR, started in November 2018 and is planned to end in December 2020/March 2021. The project involves six TI National Chapters and one partner organization in Albania. The Programme Coordinator will assume the coordination of this project, working closely with colleagues in policy and advocacy, research, communications, monitoring and evaluation, and SAFE (Safeguarding Anti-Corruption Fighters’ Efforts) teams.

Main function: Coordination of the project ‘Ending Impunity for Grand Corruption in the Western Balkans and Turkey’.

Starting date: As soon as possible

Duration: Until March 2021

Location: TI-Secretariat, Berlin/Germany

Team: Movement Stakeholders


The Programme Coordinator is responsible for implementing the project ‘Ending Impunity for Grand Corruption in the Western Balkans and Turkey’. Specifically, they will coordinate the work flow, financial and administrative management of this project, ensuring that agreed goals, best practice standards, donor obligations and TI-S regulations are met. They will work in close collaboration with the project partners (National Chapters) and regularly report to the donor (DG NEAR).

Specifically, the Programme Coordinator will:

  • Ensure the smooth implementation of the project, working in close collaboration with colleagues in policy and advocacy, research, communications, monitoring and evaluation, and SAFE (Safeguarding Anti-Corruption Fighters’ Efforts) teams
  • Strive for high-quality outputs and the greatest possible impact of project activities in order to advance the anti-corruption agenda in the relevant countries 
  • Work in close collaboration and ensure ongoing communication with project partners
  • Support project partners in efforts to monitor and evaluate project impact, plan advocacy interventions and communication/outreach activities 
  • Ensure that all donor contractual obligations (financial management, fund transfer requests, procurement regulations, financial and narrative reporting, etc.) for the project are met in a professional, transparent and timely manner
  • Ensure the timely and cost-effective execution of project activities and the organization of related events 
  • Develop, maintain, coordinate and monitor the implementation of project-wide work plans, budgets, reporting cycles and information systems across TI-S
  • Support the development of new projects in the regions, in cooperation with relevant TI-Secretariat and National Chapter representatives

Knowledge, experience and skills:

  • Undergraduate university degree or professional qualification in business administration, management, finance, social science, public administration, economics, or another relevant field
  • 5+ years of project management experience with an International NGO or International Organisation, or Multinational Organisation with demonstrated in-depth knowledge of project management best practices 
  • Knowledge of, or considerable interest in, the work of TI and the field of anti-corruption; solid understanding of and experience in the area of grand corruption and/or of political realities in one of the regions in which the project is being implemented are a distinct advantage
  • A recognised project management certification is highly valued and a clear advantage 
  • Professional language proficiency in English; additional languages an asset
  • Highly developed team work and intercultural communication skills
  • Willingness to travel 

To apply:

Qualified candidates should submit a cover letter (mentioning the source of the application, TBD) and CV in English (in one pdf-file) to: ProgrammeCoordinatorDGNEARJob@transparency.org
Deadline for applications is 28 April 2019.

Please note that due to the high volume of applications only short-listed candidates will be contacted and that it is unfortunately not possible to provide individual feedback on applications.

To learn more about Transparency International, visit our website at www.transparency.org


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Policy & AdvocacyTransparency Transparency International: Programme Coordinator – Western Balkans & Turkey Are you interested in Policy & Advocacy? Transparency International e.V. is hiring a Programme Coordinator – Western Balkans & Turkey! Apply now. English Transparency International e.V. http://www.transparency.org Non-profit Full-Time AdministrationCampaigningCommunicationsFundraisingProject Management 1556402400 Berlin, Deutschland CapitalismDevelopment & PeacebuildingEconomyEuropejobseeker https://www.transparency.org/whoweare/work/programme_coordinator_western_balkans_turkey 1556488800 Default Image 1 Basic Berlin, Deutschland Tamar Neuwirth 10862 tneuwirth@transparency.org 030343820793 Programme Coordinator – Western Balkans & Turkey standard Berlin, Deutschland 1554736320 Berlin No NL

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