At Sustainability Agents SUSA GbmH we provide consulting and training services. We have been working with global brands in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for more than 10 years. Through our innovative dialogue approach, we address the precarious social, labour and environmental conditions that still persist in the global supply chain by empowering managers and workers to improve communication, jointly identify work-related problems and risks and work together to implement sustainable solutions.
Your role
You will be responsible for the project management and implementation of training programmes that aim to improve working conditions through worker-manager dialogue, mainly at garment factories in Asia. You will develop training materials and provide training and coaching to a team of local trainers. During regular trips abroad (mainly to Bangladesh), you will accompany your local trainer team to factories, moderate meetings with workers and managers and provide continuous on-site coaching to the local trainers. You will provide ongoing support to the trainers off-site from our office in Berlin. In addition to your training and coaching responsibilities, you will be in charge of liaising with customers and decision-makers in multinational companies, to whom you will provide consulting services in areas related to sustainable procurement and corporate responsibility.
Your profile
You are committed to sustainability and want to have a positive impact in the world. You care about people’s living and working conditions, particularly in developing and emerging countries and want to dedicate all your passion, creative power and multiple talents to this goal. You are ready to walk the unbeaten path and welcome innovation. Extremely poor living standards and the associated physical and emotional stresses (e.g. heat, noise, dirt, lack of space, lack of resources, poverty and conflicts) do not discourage you; rather, they increase your motivation to drive lasting positive change. You perceive yourself as a change-maker and are able to incorporate cultural, social, religious, ethnic and gender aspects constructively into your work.
You have an academic degree or professional training, and a minimum of five years of relevant experience (e.g. at a company, international aid organisation, consultancy, labour union or NGO). Qualification and experience as a trainer, mediator or coach is a plus. Contact with challenging clients and audiences (whether managers, workers or stakeholders) is not new to you and you have the excellent diplomatic and mediation skills that are necessary to professionally and tactfully deal with difficult situations that may arise. You competently drive conflict-ridden and complex processes forward, even in front of large groups. Methodological know-how in the areas of project management and business development, as well as excellent English and basic German language skills, complete your profile. You have an authentic and inspiring personality; are assertive, self-reliant, and goal-oriented; and have strong improvisational skills.
What we offer
We offer you the opportunity to channel your motivation, dedication and energy into an exciting, challenging and meaningful task that creates positive and lasting impact. In this position you will have high levels of responsibility and free space for realising your own innovative ideas. A flat hierarchy as well as an inspirational, multidisciplinary, multicultural and creative team await you in an attractive office location in the dynamic Berlin-Kreuzberg with regular trips abroad (max. 40% of working time). We offer a long-term career perspective with many possibilities for further professional development and self-growth.
If you are interested in getting to know us, please send us your detailed application, including curriculum vitae, cover letter, references, desired start date and salary expectations. Please send your application in one PDF document to Ms. Naree Joo at . In case of enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us: +49 (30) 9155 5514
This advertisement is likewise addressed to citizens from third countries (Non-EU or Swiss). If necessary, we will support the selected candidate with his/her application for a work permit.
EnvironmentFair-TradeSustainability sustainability agents, susa, berlin, fulltime, training, consulting, projectmanagement, csr SUSA Seeks: Trainer & Project Manager Sustainability Agents SUSA is an organisation that provides training and consulting to improve CSR. We seek a internationa Trainer & Project Manager in Berlin. English Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH