The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide.
We are currently seeking to fill an position
Internship Adminstration/Finance
under the Head of WFP Berlin. The position will be based in Berlin/ Germany. The Internship will be for a period of 7 months starting from mid-July 2016.
The selected candidate will be assisting the Finance/ Administration Division with the following key duties:
- Assist with insuring regular financial reports to Management;
- Assist in data entry for receivables and payables;
- Work with WFP Procurement, execute procedures for contracting goods and services from external vendors;
- Assist in flowcharting of business processes;
- Assist in preparation of training material for workshops/ meetings;
- Assist in preparation of high-level events/ workshops;
- Perform other related duties for the Finance/ Administration Section as required.
Essential Requirements
- Currently enrolled or recently graduated (less than 12 months ago) from a University degree, preferably in international business administration, or related studies;
- Completed at least two years of undergraduate study;
- Attended courses in the last 12 months (transcripts of records or diploma required);
- Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point);
- Excellent communication skills (written and oral) in German and English required;
- second UN language would be an asset.
Terms and Conditions
- Interns receive a monthly stipend from WFP up to the amount of US$700 per month;
- WFP is not responsible for living expenses, arrangements for accommodation, travel to and from WFP internship location, necessary visas and costs related.
Send your application (one-page motivation letter in German and English, Curriculum Vitae, Transcripts of Records, and contact details for two references) as one document by email to Silvia Kollitz,
Deadline for applications: 24/04/2016
WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status. Qualified female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are encouraged to apply.
DevelopmentFoodRights un, world food programme, intern, internship, finance, admin, berlin, food, development UN World Food Programme Seeks Intern Admin/Finance The World Food Programme is a UN project. Its purpose is to support development and fight against hunger. We seek an Berlin intern for Administration/Finance. EnglishGerman UN World Food Programme