Women's Environmental Network (WEN) has fantastic networks across Tower Hamlets and locally is one of the leaders in the field of community food growing and nature based health interventions. In addition to coordinating two networks representing the sector within various networks we are respected delivering high quality social and therapeutic horticulture programmes and organic gardening courses. This is a period of exciting change. We want to work with partners to develop the network as a thriving resource that promotes growing local food, the value of community gardens, and natural environments as a health resource.
We are looking for someone to help drive this work forward. This is only a 6 month contract, however WEN are committed to continuing this project and are submitting funding bids that would enable us to expand this role.
WEN seeks a
Local Food Coordinator
- Salary: £25,000-£30,000 FTE pro rata – depending on experience
- Hours: 14 hours per week
- Contract: Fixed term for 6 months, possibility to extend funding dependant
- Location: Based at WEN office, Ground Floor, 20 Club Row, London, E2 7EY
- Reporting to: WEN Co-Director – Beth Summers
About the Role:
WEN are looking for a dynamic and experienced coordinator with a passion for community gardening to lead our local food growing, nature and health projects. Our approach is to work collaboratively with communities and groups to support and promote the value of community food growing as a way of taking local action on global issues. Since 2010, we have run the successful Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network bringing together local projects to share skills, resources and lobby on behalf of smaller groups.
Main Responsibilities
- Coordinate and develop the successful Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network
- Organise four ‘Seasonal Gatherings’ events in partnership with local organisations, send monthly email newsletters
- Grow the network membership and participation through outreach and formalising membership process
- Work collaboratively to better engage community gardening projects, local health and wellbeing organisations and passionate gardeners in the network
- Continue to build relationships with current partners and stakeholders including Public Health, Local Authority, NHS and various Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), and explore creating new partnerships
- Support local people into volunteer on community growing projects in their estates and neighbourhoods, including providing signposting for social prescribers
- Develop links with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes for example through corporate volunteering days
- Coordinate community gardening outreach and training
- Develop funding and contract bids in collaboration with line manager
Person Specification
- Experience coordinating or managing projects and events
- Working with community groups to deliver gardening/food growing training or environmental projects
- Understanding of charity fundraising
- A good knowledge of local food issues, and the link with health and well-being
- Excellent communication skills, the ability to disseminate information to a wide range of audiences across platforms e.g. social media, newsletters, websites
- Experience of working with diverse communities, or vulnerable groups such as older people, youth groups, people with mental health issues or BAME women’s groups
- Self-motivated and ability to work to deadlines and under pressure
- An enthusiastic, inclusive and friendly approach to working with people and communities
- Experience of living or working in Tower Hamlets, knowledge of its geography and residents
- Experience and proven track record of securing funding
- Coordinating volunteers, and an understanding of best practice in volunteer management o Experience of organising and leading corporate volunteering days
- Events management experience Confidence in public speaking
- Experience of collecting/handling monitoring & evaluation data
- Experience editing and updating websites
To apply: Please send a CV and cover letter to Beth@wen.org.uk
Deadline: 9am Wednesday 10th January 2018
Interviews: Week commencing 15th January 2018
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EnvironmentFoodHealth Women's Environmental Network: Local Food Coordinator Women's Environmental Network (WEN) locally is one of the leaders in the field of community food growing and nature based health interventions. English Women's Environmental Network (WEN) https://www.wen.org.uk/