The Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS) specialises in critically reflexive and action-oriented research and theory-building in intergenerational, lifewide and lifelong learning. The not-for-profit institute, founded in 2008, engages in conceptual development and analysis as well as empirical research and evaluation, focusing on non-formal and informal youth and adult education, learning and volunteering. The institute’s educational and research activities address the key role of lifelong and lifewide education and learning as a continuous, dynamic process in the context of pluralistic civil societies and emerging knowledge societies.
Mixed-method researchers with excellent
knowledge of the European youth sector
GENESIS is looking for two researchers to join its research team. Are you comfortable with quantitative as well as qualitative research methods? Do you have experience with a diversity of mixed-method-approaches? Do you have an excellent understanding of the European youth sector? Then you might just be who we are looking for to join our team at the beginning of next year.
GENESIS is a research partner in the RAY Research Network (Research-based Analysis of Erasmus+ Youth in Action). The RAY Network is an open, growing and self-governed European research network of National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme and their research partners in 32 countries. GENESIS is responsible for the transnational components of the RAY cross-sectional surveys as well as its thematic studies. Find out more about RAY at
Within the context of RAY, we are about to start a range of new projects, exploring the impact of strategic partnerships on the youth sector in Europe, investigating approaches to organisational learning, and monitoring the new European Solidarity Corps – among others. Your task will be to contribute to the realisation of these projects, including research design, literature reviews, survey development, questionnaire development, data collection, data analysis, and research report production.
We are looking for researchers who
- appreciate and can work with qualitative as well as quantitative research methods,
- are experienced in designing and applying mixed-method research approaches,
- are comfortable with complex data analysis software such as SPSS and MaxQDA,
- are familiar with, but not biased about, the European youth sector at various levels,
- have experience working with a diversity of organisations in the European youth sector,
- are knowledgeable about youth participation, youth mobility and non-formal learning,
- are able to communicate (speak, read, and write) in English at a professional level,
- are able to write research-based texts for mixed academic and non-academic audiences,
- are able to write clearly, precisely and engagingly in English with very little editing needed,
- are able to legally work in Austria, and willing to move to Vienna or surroundings, or
- are able to legally work in Germany, and willing to move to Berlin or surroundings.
Your exact degree level (Bachelor, Master, Dissertation) is not decisive: if you think you have what it takes, do apply! We are recruiting two new team members at the same time, and do not expect that any one candidate combines all of the above criteria at the same level of strength.
Initial contracts will run for up to 24 months from January 2019 (at the earliest) to December 2020 (the end of the current generation of European youth programmes), for a maximum of 32 hours per week. Moving costs will be supported, and an extension of contracts beyond 2020 is imaginable.
Our working language is English, so being able to speak Austrian or German is not a condition.
Please submit a project- and task-specific cover letter, a concise and tailored curriculum vitae without a photo, and a relevant English writing sample, ideally of mixed-method research, all as pdf documents, to by midnight on Friday, 30 November 2018 (23:59 CEST/GMT+2).
If you cannot start in January 2019, please indicate your earliest availability, and if you would prefer to work less than 32 hours, please indicate the number of hours per week that you would like to work.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Andreas at Setting up a phone or skype call is possible, but please refrain from cold calling.
We will shortlist and inform all applicants by 6 December 2018. Initial Interviews with selected candidates will take place online on 11 December 2018. Second-round interviews will take place on 13-14 December 2018 in Vienna and/or 17-18 December 2018 in Berlin. If applicable, travel to and accommodation in Vienna/Berlin will be covered.
DevelopmentDigitalizationEducationMigrationYouth Genesis: Mixed-method researcher with youth sector experience The Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS) specialises in critically reflexive and action-oriented research and theory-building in learning. English Generation and Educational Science Institute (GENESIS)