This offering is a unpaid Volunteer-Position including a stipend by the Siemens-Stiftung to cover your expenses (details listed below).
The AIDFI ram pump continues its technical development and innovation but as with every small enterprise that outgrows its operation and the technology gap that has widened significantly over the years. The work that is done is a tremendous achievement on a microscopic level but that is because it is hardly noticed only through awards and word of mouth.
Recently, AIDFI has caught up a bit with the current technology trends in providing better and faster projects to the communities. In order to close the gap even further, there is a need to look at improving the current operational side of the organization and one thing AIDFI has a lot which is data.
We are looking for a technology expert who can develop databases and systems to provide a portal for the organization, communities and donors/partners to communicate with each other through the data available. This will help supervisors analyze and make swift decisions on the data inputted.
The expert shall learn the current process of data gathering both from the field and the office and together with the technical teams and supervisors, discuss how to improve the process and systems and develop databases/systems where the data can be inputted. Develop a web portal where data gathered and inputted can be accessed by the organization, communities, and donors/partners. The expert shall lead the development but only guide and assist in the processes/systems. Local capacity building is therefore also seen as one of your key tasks. The management shall approve any recommendations provided.
Needed Skills:
- Advertising
- IT
- Database Management
- Training
Needed Languages:
Additional Useful Languages:
We Provide These Local Benefits
At the office of AIDFI there are many technicians staying throughout the week since they are from the rural areas and only go home in the weekends. AIDFI has a special room for guests, in which we also plan to accommodate you. This room has a bed, dining table, refrigerator, cooking stove and simple bathroom. AIDFI has a canteen/coffeeshop where you can have coffee, breakfast and or lunch.
Living Stipend
As mentioned before, the job opportunity is part of the Siemens Stiftung's "empowering people. Expert" program. The daily allowance is 30 Euro/day.
Learning Opportunity
He will have the chance to get to know the AIDFI organization and work in a hands-on development organisation in the Philippines. He will also have the chance to travel to more remote places to get to know our projects and see in person the amazing effect ram pumps can have on rural development. Besides that he will get to know the filipino way of life and work in our friend team.
Travel Stipend
The experter for AIDFI is part of the "empowering people. Expert" program of Siemens Stiftung, which is a german based foundation. Siemens Stiftung will cover the travel costs and grant a daily allowance.
Additional Benefits
The staff and management of AIDFI are friendly and committed people to work with and for sure the period the experteer will work with AIDFI will be a very memorable time for him/her.
Siemens Stiftung - as contract partner - will provide a travel insurance, liability insurance & accident insurance. Furthermore it will cover your travel costs as well as a daily meal allowance.
DevelopmentFoodHealthRightsSocial Innovation aidfi, philippines, data, it, water supplies, technology, philippines, volunteer, trainer AIDFI Seeks Volunteer IT Developer & Trainer AIDFI is a project in the Philippines to build water supply and close technological gaps. For developing data bases we seek a volunteer IT Developer & Trainer. English AIDFI